Monday, July 30, 2012

God vs The Universe

This is what God looks like in my head.

This might explain why I don't believe in the idea of a creator.  I believe in a spiritual force that provides a challenging path that we alone have the power to follow or ignore.

I call this force The Universe.  It doesn't have a face.  It doesn't have a sex.  It doesn't get angry or punitive or dictatorial.   This force at it's core is love.  And to reject love is to reject God.  Hell is the absence of all good things.  The absence of love.

God is supposed to be love, is he/she not?  And love doesn't have a face.  Or a rulebook.  It's just a force that we are lucky enough to tap into during our brief blink of an existence.

It's a part of us.  We just have to let it in.

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